What predicts whether a man on ADT can maintain sexual activity?

Sexual function in men with castrate levels of testosterone: Observations of a subgroup of sexually active men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation therapy. By Ng et al. 2014


Key sentence from the paper: “…exercise during ADT may reduce the impact of ADT on sexual function.


For the full abstract, see: http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=47966#.U_PIEKvlM1w


Commentary: This paper is important in showing that some men, though only 9%, remain sexually active even after 9 months on ADT. Their average age was 69. It is interesting that neither age nor testosterone levels correlated with whether a man is sexually active or not. However, whether they were maintaining muscle strength and were exercising appear to be relevant to maintaining sexual activity.

A major weakness of this paper is that the type of sexual activity was not defined. Hopefully the research will continue to explore this topic and will ask more specific questions about sexual activity, and sexual practices of men on ADT.


Ng E, Corica T, Turner S, Lim A, Spry N. 2014. Sexual Function in Men with Castrate Levels of Testosterone: Observations of a Subgroup of Sexually Active Men with Prostate Cancer Undergoing Androgen Deprivation Therapy. Open Journal of Urology 4(7):98-103.